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Rational Choice for Christmas

 American media recently brimmed with venomous headlines cursing disobedient Americans who met their loved ones for Thanksgiving despite the CDC’s Silvrback blog imageCOVID warnings.  “As Americans prepare to gather for Thanksgiving, the world watches with dread and disbelief,”  said the Washington Post in a revealing specimen of . . .

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December 08, 2020

"My folks sell me and yo' folks buy me." (Shorter version)

Some History of African Slavery

Here is an earlier post on the history of African slavery, but leaving out a long preface about the rapper Kanye West that seemed compelling at the time, but quite forgettable now. The subject is the role of African elites in the management of theSilvrback blog image global slave trade. Most African slaves were sold into slavery by other Africans, by African . . .

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April 13, 2020

“My folks sell me and yo folks buy me”

Kanye West, “Barracoon” and some history of African slavery

Silvrback blog imageDo you recollect the uproar caused by the musician Kanye West a couple of months ago when he said the ancestors of today’s African-Americans “chose” to remain in slavery?  Arguments bounced around the word “choice.”  What choices did slaves have? What choices do African-Americans have today? One point . . .

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July 13, 2018

Truthtelling from the sh—hole, or ‘Make Africa Great Again.’

Some of the racket about President Trump’s alleged politically incorrect reference to ‘shithole countries’ was that it would likely offend African elites. Which it did; the African Union issued an angry protest, for example. But it’s less plausible that Silvrback blog imagethe alleged comment would offend ordinary Africans, who endure all . . .

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January 25, 2018

'Free, free, free! Zimbabwe will be free!'

Silvrback blog imageThat was our chant at a big demonstration and rally in Trafalgar Square for the liberation of Zimbabwe, sometime in the late seventies.  Yesterday's news about the army takeover there made me look back and wonder.  What had I and my friends thought would come next, after liberation? Disturbingly, as best as I recall, we didn't think . . .

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November 16, 2017


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